20. Orrori Menzogneri Rinaldo Album: Handel - Rinaldo - FisherArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
20. Act III - Orrori Menzogneri Rinaldo Album: Handel - The Masterworks (Brilliant Classics) - CD20-21 - RinaldoArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
14. Scena?. Aria Rinaldo: ''Orrori Menzogneri A Voi Ne Vengo'' Album: Handel - Rinaldo - Mario BernardiArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
Orrori Menzogneri (Rinaldo) Album: Handel - Rinaldo (CD2)Artist: M. Horne, C. Gasdia, E. Palacio, John Fisher, Ch. Weidinger Listen and download