Allt, Vol. 2: Cuimhne mp3 download track
O Éirich, O Eilidh / Ríl Dealgan / Sliabh Na GCloch
Album: Allt, Vol. 2: Cuimhne
Artist: Julie Fowlis
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Artist: Julie Fowlis
Ge Fada Mo Thriall (Catullus) / Ailí Gheal Chiúin Ní Chearbhaill
Album: Allt, Vol. 2: Cuimhne
Artist: Julie Fowlis
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Artist: Julie Fowlis
Fidléir Ghleann Fhinne / Masúrca Ghleann Fhinne / Fáilte An Fhile
Album: Allt, Vol. 2: Cuimhne
Artist: Julie Fowlis
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Artist: Julie Fowlis
Pólcaí: Cathaoir Dhonnachaidh / Turas Reachrann / Pólca Aoibhe
Album: Allt, Vol. 2: Cuimhne
Artist: Julie Fowlis
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Artist: Julie Fowlis