23. Act III: Recitative Ah Theodora Whence This Sudden Change Album: Handel - Theodora (Harnoncourt)Artist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
22. Scene 2. Chorus Of Christians Theodora: Blest Be The Hand And Blest The Pow'r Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
21. Scene 2. Recitative Irene Theodora: But See The Good The Virtuous Didymus Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
16. Scene 5. Recitative Theodora Didymus: Ah What Is Liberty Or Life To Me Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
23. Scene 3. Recitative Irene Theodora: Theodora Whence This Sudden Change Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
17. Scene 5. Duet Theodora Didymus: To Thee Thou Glorious Son Of Worth Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
24. Scene 3. Duet Irene Theodora: Whither Princess Do You Fly? Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
33. Scene 6. Duet Didymus Theodora Irene: Streams Of Pleasure Ever Flowing Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
32. Scene 6. Recitative Didymus Theodora Septimius: And Must Such Beauty Suffer? Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
31. Scene 5. Recitative Didymus Theodora Valens: On Me Your Frowns Your Utmost Rage Exert Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
14. Scene 5. Air Theodora: The Pilgrim's Home The Sick Man's Health Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
29. Scene 5. Recitative Theodora: Oppose Not Didymus My Just Desires Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
20. Scene 5. Recitative Theodora Septimius: Deluded Mortal Call It Not Rebellion Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
12. Scene 3. Recitative Theodora: Though Hard My Friends Yet Wholesome Are The Truths Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
13. Scene 5. Recitative Theodora Didymus: Oh Save Me Heav'n In This My Perilous Hour Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
1. THEODORA Oratorio In Three Parts HWV 68. Text: Thomas Morell. First Performance: 16.03.1750 - Overture Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
21. Scene 5. Accompanied Recitative Theodora: Oh Worse Than Death Indeed Lead Me My Friend Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
13. Scene 3. Air Theodora: Fond Flatt'ring World Adieu Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
3. Scene 2. Air Theodora: With Darkness Deep As Is My Woe Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download
5. Scene 2. Recitative Theodora: But Why Art Thou Disquited My Soul? Album: Handel - Theodora - Nikolaus HarnoncourtArtist: Georg Friedrich Händel Listen and download