Soon Come (Prelude) mp3 download track
11. Act I - Prelude Song Chorus ''Come If You Dare Our Trumpets Sound''
Album: Purcell - King Arthur - Paul McCreesh
Artist: Henry Purcell
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Artist: Henry Purcell
King Arthur, Z. 628, Act I- Prelude, Song & Chorus – Come If You Dare, Our Trumpets Sound (Suckling-McCreesh Edition)
Album: Purcell: King Arthur, 1691
Artist: Paul McCreesh Gabrieli Consort
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Artist: Paul McCreesh Gabrieli Consort
11. King Arthur, Z. 628, Act I Prelude, Song & Chorus – Come If You Dare, Our Trumpets Sound
Album: Purcell - King Arthur 1691 - Paul McCreesh
Artist: Henry Purcell
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Artist: Henry Purcell